New Year Resolution!
Peter Nossiter
Have you stuck to your New Years resolution?
February is almost upon us and I am sure, like most of us, your “New Year, new you”, plans seem somewhat of a distant memory.
The most common New Year resolution often involves becoming more active, but how many of you have considered the impact this can have on your feet?
Why not think about a foot related resolution this year?
When you are becoming more active, whether you are experienced or not, there is increased strain on the lower limbs and feet. Without the right introduction to exercise, you can subject your feet to unnecessary strain. This can impact many parts of the foot, most commonly, the heels and big toe joints.
So here are a couple of pointers going forward:
- Ease into activity gradually. Becoming active is not a sprint; its a marathon, so take it one day at a time.
- Stretch, stretch, stretch!! It is so important to stretch before and after periods of activity (even if it’s walking the dog in the forest.
- Drink plenty of water. Our muscles are made up of 79% water. If you don’t rehydrate them after activity, they won’t thank you for it!
Make part of your resolution to see your Podiatrist! Uncomfortable feet, make for an uncomfortable person, and we need them to stay active.
So whether you start in January or later in the yer, we will strive to make you feel a “new you”