Good Care Month
The Podiatry Team

Hello Friends of the Forest Foot and Health Clinic. Firstly, we would like to wish a very happy new year to each and every one of you! We are all in high spirits for what the next few months hold for us all!
Did you know January is Good Care Month? We as a clinic take pride in providing the best possible care to each of our existing and new patients.
The World Health Organisation defines Good Care as – ‘safe, effective, timely, efficient, equitable and people centred.’
The ethos of the clinic likes to mirror these feelings and we will always treat each person with both the compassion and care that you deserve.
Equally, your feet wish for you to care for them as well! If you can feel your feet screaming at you, then you need to listen.
Top tips for keeping your feet healthy:
- Check your feet daily, including the nails and the condition of your skin
- Wash and dry feet thoroughly, paying attention to avoid soggy skin between the toes – use tissue if you find that a towel is too bulky for those inter-digital spaces
- Moisturise your feet regularly, but avoid putting emollient between the toes
- Avoid barefoot walking
- Assess your footwear – it needs to be fit for purpose. Don’t wear your Latin American dancing shoes to run a marathon!
Seek advice from your podiatrist if you are struggling with your feet – we are here for you!
Any worry or woes we are here for your toes!
#ForestFootAndHealth #GoodCareMonth #Footcare #Podiatrists #WHO