Verruca Treatment
Fed up with that Verruca?
A verruca is a very common foot complaint and is essentially a wart which develops on the foot. Though usually painless, they can often be uncomfortable if on an area of pressure on the foot. In the past the best verruca removal treatments have involved causing a breakdown of the skin cells that contain the virus, removing the damaged tissue, and then allowing the area to heal.
Verruca can vary in appearance, but often take up a ‘cauliflower’ type shape. They usually appear as a plaque of hard skin, with an irregular border and can have black dots (blood vessels) scattered throughout. Verrucas can be on the soles of the feet or on the toes whilst warts are usually on the hands. Verruca on toes and verruca between toes are just as common as verruca on heels, or as a wart on finger or hand.
Verrucas are caused by the Human-Papilloma Virus (HPV). The virus usually enters the body through skin-to-skin contact and lives in the outer layer (epidermis). Since it does not enter the bloodstream, the body often finds it difficult to recognise that a verruca is present and the immune system fails to attack it. This can make getting rid of verrucas or warts difficult.
It is often suggested that verruca disappears on their own, however, this time scale can vary from one person to another with some saying that they have had verrucas for years. Although there is no ‘wonder’ cure for healing verruca, traditional treatments generally aim to cause a breakdown in the skin to enable removal of the infected tissue.
Example Treatment Progression with Swift
27th July 2020, prior to 1st Swift treatment

24th August 2020, After 1st Swift, prior to the 2nd application

21st September 2020, After 2nd Swift, prior 3rd Swift treatment

14th December 2020, After 3rd Swift treatment, 3 month review

A new treatment of verrucas is now available which is a much cleaner, called SWIFT microwave technology…

SWIFT Microwave treatment
This is the latest product on the market. It uses microwave technology treatment to agitate the fluid in the cells that contain the virus. This promotes the release of heat proteins, which pass into the bloodstream and initiates an immune reaction. This causes your body to fight the virus and is a completely different way of tackling the verruca, from the traditional methods, discussed above, that merely cause a breakdown.
Treatment Alternatives
There are no guarantees with any treatment and this will be reviewed at each appointment. It may be necessary to change the type of treatment and this will always be discussed with you by your treating clinician.

What is Swift Microwave Treatment?
Swift is the pioneering new microwave therapy for the skin. Treatment time is in seconds which enables multiple lesions to be treated in one session. Swift provides our team with a new and highly precise way of treating verrucae / wart soft tissue lesions on feet and hands.
What does it do?
Swift microwave treatment causes water molecules in the verruca cells to become agitated and this activates the release of harmless heat shock proteins into the body. This stimulates a systemic response to the verruca virus. The maximum amount of energy that can be applied is 100 joules of microwave energy into each affected area and is done in the shortest possible time. This can be achieved by setting the machine to 10 watts applying the probe to the verruca for 2 seconds and then repeating 5 times as quickly as possible. (10 Watts x 2 Seconds) = 20 joules x 5 Applications = 100 Joules. We adjust this setting to suit Juvenile skin and more Superficial lesions e.g. 7 Watts x 1 Seconds x 10 applications.
What is the Treatment Protocol?
An initial assessment is carried out in order to assess your suitability for treatment, e.g. ladies who are pregnant cannot have the treatment or if there is metal, e.g. an implant, below the area to be treated. At your first Swift Treatment, the clinician will go through the Consent Form with you (a copy of your signed Consent form will be provided to you). Treatments are carried out at monthly intervals - for 3 months and then we carry out a Free of Charge Review 3 months after the last treatment. It can take up to 6-9 months for lesions to fully resolve after a course of Swift (with no other treatments being necessary).
We have a Case Study in Reception of one of our New Milton patients who had a large area of stubborn verrucae that had been present for over 12 years. This patient had 3 treatments, one month apart and the lesions fully resolved 9 months after the final Swift treatment. No other treatments were required or carried out.
How Successful Is The Treatment?
We are constantly reviewing our figures for patient data at the clinic and current resolution for Swift at The Forest Foot and Health clinic is 86% this is above national average which stands at 77%.
If you have a long standing Verruca book a consultation with us today to discuss treatment and to rid you of that nasty virus!

This painless treatment comprises of a topical solution that is based on a Nitric Zinc complex and is applied to the skin using a fine capillary tube following preparation of the area(s) to be treated.
How does It Work?
When applied to a verruca / wart a chemical reaction takes place that causes the cells to become dehydrated and cellular destruction occurs. The area being treated can turn a yellow/orange colour following application of the product. Over time mummification leads to the spontaneous detachment of the lesion. It is also recommended to apply surgical spirit to the treated lesion site twice daily for best results.
How Often Are Treatments Carried Out?
It may be necessary to carry out six treatments, separated by a minimum of 7 days.
Who Is Not Suitable for Treatment?
Not suitable for children under the age of 6; Ladies who are pregnant or breastfeeding; Patients with arteriopathy/peripheral neuropathy
Must not be used in conjunction with any other topical treatment.

Cryotherapy is a procedure that uses extreme cold to destroy tissue. CryoPen allows for extreme precision, treating just the lesion site and not the healthy tissue surrounding it. The applicator is held close to the verruca and the lesion are frozen, allowed to thaw and frozen again. There are no limitations on activity except to protect the area, so swimming and showering is not a problem. Lesions may resolve in as little as 2-3 treatments.
It should be noted that the Forest Foot & Health Clinic specialises in verruca treatment with over 23 years of experience.
Clinic Opening Hours
- Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm